
Blog: News & Events

Update on Listening Sessions

Synodal Journey

Part 5: Conclusion.

More than a year ago, St. Theresa’s Pastoral Council began hosting listening sessions in our parish. Soon after we began, we heard from the Archdiocese of Seattle that Pope Francis was inviting people from all over the world to participate in a global effort. The purpose was to listen to the Holy Spirit and journey together in our listening. Phase 1 of our listening sessions ended in May 2022. We summarized what we heard, and sent the information to the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese gathered the summaries and created a Final Synthesis, which they sent to Rome. For the past few weeks, the bulletin has included some of the information from the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Synod Synthesis. Part 1: Introduction; Part II: Community: A Home, Not an Institution. Part III: Leadership. Part IV: Youth: Handing on the Faith to the Next Generation.

Read the entire Conclusion, as provided by the Archdiocese of Seattle.

To view the entire synthesis:

For more information, contact Mary Morrison,; or 253-318-0852.